
How to Sleep Better at Night (10 Natural Ways)

Photo of a woman getting a better night's sleep.
There’s Nothing Like a Good Night’s Sleep!

If you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep, you’re not alone. According to the National Sleep Foundation, more than one-third of American adults report that they sleep less than they should.

The good news is that there are several things you can do to improve and sleep better at night.

There are countless reasons why getting a good night’s sleep is important.

For one, it helps to improve your mood and overall sense of well-being.

It also reduces stress, helps you to focus better, and can even improve your memory.

Getting enough sleep is also crucial for maintaining a healthy weight, as well as for reducing your risk of developing serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

In short, there are many benefits to getting a good night’s sleep, and there are incredible reasons to make it a priority.

In this blog post, we’ll share 10 proven ways to help you get a better night’s sleep.

Let’s get the 💤’s rolling with a few of the best things you can do to ensure you get a good night’s sleep. ⏩⏬

1. Make Your Bedroom a Sleep Haven

Ideally, Your bedroom should be a space where you can relax and rejuvenate.

Make your bedroom comfortable and inviting. An effective way to facilitate better sleep is to create a bedroom environment that is conducive to relaxation.

If you’re struggling to block out distractions, try using white noise to help you fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

Alternatively, using earplugs can help block out any unwanted noise.

Ideally, your bedroom should be dark, quiet, and cool – between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Establish a Sleep and Bedtime Routine

Your body craves routine. A few minutes of winding down before bedtime can make a world of difference in how well you sleep.

About an hour before bed, start winding down for the night. This means turning off electronics, reading or doing another relaxing activity, and avoiding bright lights.

Taking a hot bath or shower before bed can help relax your muscles and prepare your body for sleep.

You may also try reading or listening to soothing music to help you relax and prepare for sleep.

3. Establish a Regular Sleep Schedule

One of the best ways to ensure you get a good night’s sleep is to stick to a regular sleep schedule as much as possible.

Make an effort to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

This will help train your body to fall asleep and wake up at certain times, making it easier to get the rest you need.

We know that this can be tough, but it’s worth it!

Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day (even on weekends!) will help keep your body on track.

Eventually, it will be easier to fall asleep—and wake up—when you need to.

4. Make Your Bed Comfortable to Sleep In

Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows that support your sleeping style (side, back, stomach).

Investing in quality bedding can make a big difference in how well you sleep.

Furthermore, make sure that your pillows provide the right amount of support.

Finally, ensure that your bed sheets and blankets are soft, comfortable, and breathable to keep you relaxed all night long.

5. Limit Screen Time Before Bedtime

Melatonin is the hormone that helps you fall and stay asleep.

The blue light emitted from screens (phones, computers, TVs) can suppress and interfere with your body’s natural production of melatonin.

This can make it harder to fall asleep and disrupt the body’s natural sleep rhythm.

Try to avoid screen time for at least an hour before bedtime.

If you must use screens before bedtime, consider wearing blue-light-blocking glasses or installing an app that filters blue light from your device

Try to disconnect from electronics at least 60 to 90 minutes before hitting the hay.

6. Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol Before Sleep

Caffeine and alcohol are two substances that can interfere with sleep.

Caffeine is a stimulant that can keep you awake and make it difficult to fall asleep. If you’re trying to sleep, it’s best to avoid caffeine after 2 pm.

And while alcohol may help you drift off initially, it disrupts sleep later in the night. Thus it’s best to avoid both of these before bedtime.

7. Keep a Sleep Diary

Tracking your sleep patterns can help you identify potential obstacles to good sleep and find solutions that work for you.

If you find yourself worrying about things before bed, taking a few minutes to write them down in a journal can help.

Then pledge to yourself that you’ll deal with them tomorrow. This can help clear your mind and allow you to focus on sleeping.

8. Exercise Regularly for Better Sleep

Exercise has numerous benefits for overall health and well-being, including improved sleep.

A moderate amount of exercise is best – too little won’t have an effect and too much can interfere with sleep. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise per day.

Exercise also releases endorphins that help improve your mood and promote deep, restful sleep.

However, avoid exercising too close to bedtime as this can also keep you awake.

As always, consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any exercise program

9. Avoid Late-Night Eating Before Sleep

Eating a big meal before bed can cause indigestion and make it difficult to fall asleep.

If you’re hungry before bed, try snacking on a light, healthy food like yogurt or fruit.

10. Practice Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques Before Sleep

Deep breathing helps facilitate relaxation and slows down your heart rate, making it easier to fall asleep.

The 4-7-8 breath works like a natural tranquilizer.

It involves inhaling for 4 counts, holding for 7 counts and exhaling for 8 counts. Repeat until you feel relaxed enough to fall asleep.

Relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation, prayer, or meditation can also help you wind down before bed and promote better sleep.

7 Benefits of Getting a Good Nights Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for good health and well-being. Here are seven benefits of a good night’s sleep:

  1. Sleep helps to boost immunity.
  2. Sleep helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
  3. Sleep helps to improve mood and energy levels.
  4. Sleep helps to improve cognitive function.
  5. Sleep helps to promote healthy skin.
  6. Sleep helps to improve heart health.
  7. Sleep helps to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.


There are several things you can do to ensure you get a good night’s sleep.

First, it is important to establish a regular sleep schedule and stick to it as much as possible.

This means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

Second, it is important to create a relaxing bedtime routine that will help you wind down before sleep.

This could involve reading, taking a bath, or listening to calming music.

Third, it is important to create a sleep-friendly environment in your bedroom. This means keeping the room dark, quiet, and cool.

Finally, it is important to avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed, as they can disrupt sleep.

If you can accomplish all (or most) of these suggestions (plus our other listed methods), you should be able to experience an exceptionally good night’s sleep!

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