
🎄35 Holiday Stress Management Tips

Image of people walking in a Christmas village setting where they may benefit from holiday stress management tips.
Holiday Stress Management Tips

It’s that time of the year again when the holiday season is upon us bringing with it a sense of joy and celebration.

However, the season of giving and joyous festivities can also bring with it a lot of stress and pressure.

Holiday stress manifests in many ways, from the pressure to buy the perfect gifts to hosting big family get-togethers.

Fortunately, there are lots of ways to manage holiday stress and keep it from consuming your holidays.

In this article, we explore some practical tips for managing holiday stress and creating a joyous and stress-free festive season.

1.) Manage and organize your time

One of the best ways to manage stress during the holidays is to manage your time wisely.

This means prioritising your commitments and learning to say no to things that aren’t important to you.

Having a plan and being organized can help you feel less stressed and more in control of your life.

This doesn’t mean you have to be perfect, but taking some time to get organized can make a big difference in how stressed you feel day-to-day.

Be sure to make time for fun: plan festive activities that will get you into the holiday spirit!

2.) Change your holiday stress perspective

Instead of seeing the holiday season as a time of stress, try to view it as a time of joy and celebration.

Focusing on the positive aspects of the season can help manage your overall stress levels.

Begin by concentrating on what’s really important in life and let go of the rest.

3.) Simplify your holiday decorating

Don’t try to outdo your neighbors with an over-the-top holiday display. Keep it simple and elegant, and you’ll enjoy and de-stress during the holiday season much more.

A few well-chosen pieces will suffice and save you both time and money!

4.) Get creative with your gifts

Gifts don’t have to be expensive or store-bought. Think of ways you can make meaningful gifts for the people in your life.

Remember that it’s the thought that counts.

Your loved ones will appreciate any gift you give them, no matter how small or simple.

5.) Take special care of yourself

The holidays can be hectic, so make sure to schedule some time to take care of yourself during this busy season.

Taking care of yourself will help you have the energy and mental resilience you need to deal with stressors.

6.) Get plenty of sleep

Sleep is crucial for managing stress levels, so make sure you’re getting enough shut-eye during the holiday season.

When all else fails and you’re dealing with a lack of sleep, the best solution is to just take a nap.

Getting some extra rest can help refresh your mind and body, leaving you better equipped to deal with holiday stressors.

7.) Eat healthy during the holidays

Eating healthy foods helps your body cope with stress better.

Fill up on fresh fruits and vegetables instead of sugary sweets this holiday season!

The very best foods to eat during the holidays and all year long are nutrient dense foods. This includes foods such as leafy green vegetables and healthy lean protein sources such as eggs and wild caught salmon.

Also consider healthy fats such as avalados and healthy carbohydrates such as yams and sweet potatoes.

8.) Exercise during the holidays

Exercise is a great way to reduce stress levels, especially when you’re extra busy with holiday preparations it’s important to squeeze in some time for a workout, if it’s a light walk or jog.

Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.

Even A little bit of exercise each day can help alleviate stress during the hectic holiday season.

9.) Take breaks from social media

Social media can be a major source of holiday stress.

Take breaks from social platforms as often needed to stay balanced and focus on enjoying time with family and friends in person instead.

Image of a holiday scene where there is less stress. There is snow and it is outside in a Christmas village scenario. The people appear to be relaxed.
Practice Holiday Stress Management!

10.) Do not compare yourself to others during the holidays!

The holiday season is often filled with images of perfect families and gatherings, which can make it easy to compare ourselves to others and feel inadequate.

The holidays are so much not about keeping up with the Joneses. Do what makes you happy and don’t compare yourself to others’ holiday experiences.

Think about viewing the holiday season as an exclusive opportunity to lovingly share happiness with others!

11.) Practice gratitude

One of the very very very best ways to manage stress is to focus on what you’re grateful for in life.

At the end of each day, write down three things you’re thankful for, no matter how small they may seem.

12.) Help those in need

One great way to reduce stress during the holidays is to focus on giving back to those less fortunate.

Time proven ways of giving back may include:

  • Volunteering at a local soup kitchen.
  • Donating toys to a children’s hospital.
  • Or simply paying it forward by doing something nice for anyone else!!!

Whether you donate your time, money, or belongings, helping others is a guaranteed mood-booster that will leave you feeling happier and less stressed.

13.) Set realistic expectations

The holidays are often shrouded in an unrealistic glow that sets people up for disappointment when reality doesn’t meet expectations”

The holidays can also be a time of high expectations, which can lead to frustration. To avoid this, set realistic expectations for yourself and for others.

Remember that the holidays are not perfect and that things will go wrong. Accepting this can help you manage your expectations and stress levels.

14.) Take breaks

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a few minutes to yourself to relax and rejuvenate.

A hot bath, a good book, or a walk in nature can do wonders for your stress levels.

This is your time to do something that brings you joy, whether it’s reading, going for a run, or taking a yoga class.

15.) Don’t overcommit

It’s easy to say yes to everything during the holidays, but this can quickly lead to stress and burnout.

Saying “no” is perfectly acceptable during the holidays. You don’t have to attend every party or event you’re invited to.

Choose the ones that are most important to you and decline the rest.

Be mindful of your commitments and only agree to what you can realistically handle.

16.) Stick to a budget

Don’t let holiday spending get out of control. Determine how much you can afford to spend before you start shopping, and stick to it.

Overspending will only add to your stress levels in the long run.

17.) Simplify your holiday dining

Don’t go overboard with dining decorations this year.

A simple table centerpiece with some of your nicer dinnerware can be just as effective as glitter and gold of more expensive items.

18.) Be kind to yourself

Remember that you are human and that it’s okay to make mistakes.

Cut yourself a ton of slack and give yourself permission to enjoy the holidays without being perfect.

Additionally, the holidays are supposed to be a joyful time, but they don’t always go according to plan.

Things will go wrong – just roll with the punches and remember that next year is always another chance for things to be better.

19.) Connect with loved ones

Spending time with loved ones can help reduce stress and make you feel supported.

Whether it’s talking on the phone, meeting up in person, or sending a handwritten letter, taking the time to connect can make a big difference.

It’s very important to spend your time with people who make you feel good and who support your efforts to manage stress effectively.

These relationships will provide a much-needed sense of connection and belonging during a potentially stressful time of year.

Image of a holiday village with christmas lights. There are people walking through the village hopefully practicing ways to effectively manage holiday stress using the tips outlined in this article.
Effective Holiday Stress Management Tips

20.) Get organized early

The holidays can be a hectic time, so make things easier on yourself by getting organized early.

This means setting a budget, creating a gift list, and planning your holiday menu well in advance.

21.) Avoid crowded places

If large crowds make you anxious, try to avoid places like malls or busy streets during the holiday season.

If you can’t avoid them altogether, take some deep breaths and focus on your positive surroundings (like the festive decorations).

22.) Set aside more “me” time to manage holiday stress

Time fore yourself cannot be overemphasized.

The holidays are all about family and friends, but it’s important to carve out some time for yourself as well.

Whether it’s reading a good book, taking a long bath, or going for a walk, make sure you schedule in some time to relax and recharge.

23.) Stick to a healthy routine

It’s easy to let your health fall by the wayside during the busy holiday season, but maintaining a healthy routine will help you stay calm and focused.

Eat nutritious meals, exercise regularly, and remember, every night get plenty of sleep.

24.) Simplify your holiday plans

Don’t try to do too much. Keep things simple and focus on what’s truly important to you and your family.

This will help reduce stress and make the holidays more enjoyable.

Remember that everyone has their own version of the holidays and focus on what matters to you.

25.) Use breathing techniques

If you start to feel overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths and focus on your breathing.

Using simple breathing techniques can help you ground center yourself so it’s easier to calm down.

26.) Simplify your traditions

There’s no need to go overboard with holiday traditions – simplify them or even ditch them altogether if they’re no longer meaningful to you.

The goal is to enjoy the season, not add extra stress to your life.

27.) Delegate and ask for help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all that needs to be done, delegate tasks to others or ask for help from family and friends.

Trying to do everything yourself will only make things more difficult and lead to burnout.

Additionally, asking for help from family and friends will lighten your load. Delegating tasks can definitely help prevent holiday burnout.

28.) Don’t try to please everyone

Trying to please everyone is an impossible task, so don’t even bother trying.

Do what makes YOU happy and let others do the same – it’ll make the holiday season much more enjoyable for everyone involved.

29.) Cherish your memories

As the years go by, our loved ones inevitably change and traditions come and go.

Cherish the memories you have of past holidays and focus on creating new ones with those who are important to you in the present moment.

30.) Listen to holiday music to unwind stress

It’s scientifically proven that listening to holiday music can help reduce stress levels.

De stress with your favorite seasonal tunes in your car during the busy holiday traffic or use relaxing background noise while you wrap presents!

It can be classical, jazz, or your favorite top 40 hits.

The objective is to listen to sounds or music that soothe your soul and helps you relax.

31.) Start your holiday shopping early

Don’t wait until the last minute to start your holiday shopping. This will only add to your stress. Get a jump on things by starting early and spreading out your purchases.

32.) Limit alcohol intake

Although alcohol may make you feel relaxed in the moment, it can actually lead to increased anxiety and stress in the long run. So be mindful of how much you’re drinking during the holid

33.) Shop online

Take advantage of the convenience of online shopping.

You can do it from the comfort of your own home and avoid the crowds at the mall.

34.) Practice holiday mindfulness

Take some time each day to focus on the present moment and breathe deeply.

Find activities that help you stay present in the moment, such as yoga or going for a walk and enjoying the Christmas lights.

Remind yourself to be mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations throughout the holidays.

Notice how your body feels during different activities and take the time to appreciate the sensations.

Make time to observe the world around you—the colors and sounds, the smells and tastes.

Mindfulness during the holidays doesn’t have to be difficult—just take a few moments each day to be mindful and enjoy the present moment. With practice, it will become easier and more natural.

35.) Seek help from friends and family

If you are feeling overwhelmed by holiday stress, reach out to your friends and family for help.

Talk to them about what you are feeling and ask for their support.

They can help you with tasks, offer emotional support, and provide a listening ear.

Finally, Seek professional help if needed. There truly are caring professionals everywhere!


Managing holiday stress can be a challenge, but there are a few simple steps you can take to make it a little easier.

Start by setting realistic expectations for yourself and your family; don’t try to do too much.

Secondly, make sure to take care of yourself; eat well, get plenty of sleep, and take some time for yourself.

Thirdly, don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends and family.

Finally, don’t forget to enjoy the season; take some time to relax and appreciate the things that make the holidays special.

With a little preparation and some self-care, you can make the most of the holiday season without getting overwhelmed.

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