
5 Key Benefits of Regular Physical Exercise

Image of a woman in a gym exercising and benefiting from doing so.
Exercise and Benefits

The benefits of exercise are endless. It can improve your mood, reduce your stress levels, boost your self-esteem and help you sleep better.

Regular exercise is also great for lowering the risk of many chronic diseases and improving every aspect of health.

Without a doubt, regular physical exercise is a win-win: it can improve your health and make you feel good at the same time! Let’s take a closer look at 5 keys benefits of regular exercise. Here we go! ➡️

1. Regular Exercise Makes You Feel Good

Working out is a great way to relieve stress and feel better. Exercise releases endorphins, which act as “feel-good” hormones.

These chemicals help you sleep better, feel more energetic, and feel less stressed or anxious.

2. Exercise Improves Your Mood

Exercise can help you feel better. In addition to improving your health, exercise can also improve your mood by helping you sleep better, relax more.

Exercise can also help you feel confident and less stressed or depressed. Exercise can really help reduce anxiety.

3. Regular Exercise Makes You Healthier

While you can always tell a physical fitness buff by their toned arms, rosy cheeks and healthy glow, it’s more than just the looks that matter. Regular exercise is linked to a number of benefits for your body—and mind.

Physical activity has been shown to help with:

  • Cardiovascular health
  • Blood pressure regulation
  • Blood sugar regulation and insulin sensitivity (for example, in diabetes)
  • Lowered levels of LDL cholesterol (the “bad” type of cholesterol)
  • Increased levels of HDL cholesterol (which is the “good” protective type of cholesterol). This is important because high levels of HDL are associated with lower risk of heart disease.

4. You Sleep Better if You Exercise Regularly

Exercise makes you tired, and that’s a good thing. If you exercise regularly, your body will get used to being tired after exercise and then be ready for sleep.

The extra sleep will help make up for the extra time it takes to complete your workout.

You’ll also wake up more refreshed and get a deeper, more restful night of sleep than someone who doesn’t exercise regularly. This can mean getting a higher quality amount of sleep over time!

5. Exercise Changes Your Genes

You’re probably familiar with the idea that our genes control how our bodies function, but did you know that exercise can actually change the expression of those genes?

The good news is that this means our bodies adapt to exercise and become stronger over time.

The bad news? If you don’t work out on a regular basis, there’s a likelihood your body will regress back to its original state when you were not working out.

Let’s take a look at some examples of how exercise changes your genes:

  • Exercise affects genes which control heart rate and blood pressure and may increase their activity in response to physical activity. This results in lower heart rates and blood pressures overall—which are both good things!
  • Exercise affects genes involved in fat metabolism (the process by which fat cells break down). These genes become more active after aerobic training. This can help prevent weight gain by keeping these processes functioning well even when we’re not exercising regularly or eating healthily.

Simple Ways to Get Started Exercising

Ultimately, To get started and achieve the greatest benefits from exercise, use the following protocol ⤵️

  1. Start slowly with a simple walking program. At first, you can start to walk for a certain amount of time 3 times a week.
  2. Next decide upon a time or date when you’re ready to add more physical activity into your daily routine
  3. Set small goals that are easy to achieve so that you don’t get overwhelmed or frustrated with yourself if things don’t go as planned (like going for a brisk walk instead of running).
  4. Use heart rate monitors to achieve an ideal result or pedometers to track how far you go each day to motivate you even more!
  5. If you have a job that requires you to be seated all day, taking regular timed breaks from a seated position is vital for preventing back strain and increasing circulation. For example: try walking around the office every hour or using standing desks when possible.


In conclusion, exercise is good for your body, mind, and soul. Exercise can be a great social activity, whether it’s walking with friends, going to the gym, or playing sports on a team. It really can make you feel better!

Physical activity in the form of exercise can help you manage stress and anxiety. Regular physical activity will make you happier, more relaxed and more confident. Above all, exercise can also helps to build a strong sense of connectedness to others and the world around you!