
🔭 5 Best Stargazing/Astronomy Apps for iPhone (2024)

Table of Contents

Stargazing is an age-old hobby that has been significantly modernized with the advent of astronomy smartphone technology.

Among the myriad of resources available, Stargazing and Astronomy Apps have emerged as indispensable tools for anyone looking to gaze deeper into the cosmos.

Particularly for iPhone users, these apps have unlocked new possibilities, turning casual sky gazers into avid amateur astronomers.

Whether you’re identifying constellations or tracking the path of planets, these astronomy apps offer a wealth of information and interactive features to enrich your celestial exploration.

In this guide, we’re spotlighting the Best Stargazing Apps tailored for iPhone users. Let’s take a look at what we’ll be covering: ⤵️

  1. SkySafari: Best for both novice and experienced stargazers, offering a rich, interactive experience with features like real-time sky mapping and augmented reality capabilities.
  2. Star Walk 2: Ideal for those who desire interactive, real-time sky tracking and unique features like a time-travel option.
  3. Night Sky: Perfect for iPhone users looking for a personalized stargazing experience, complete with an extensive celestial database and customizable Sky Tags.
  4. SkyView Lite: Highly recommended for spontaneous stargazers who want real-time object identification and the ability to stargaze offline.
  5. Stellarium Mobile: Best for those who seek a minimalist yet comprehensive approach to stargazing, focusing on deep space objects and educational content.

From real-time star mapping to augmented reality features, these apps can really enhance your understanding and appreciation of the night sky.

They make planet and star gazing a more engaging and educational and fun, bridging the vast expanses of space right into the palm of our hands.

What We’ll Be Covering:

  • Comparative Analysis of Top Stargazing Apps for iPhone
  • Key Features to Look for in Astronomy Apps
  • Exploring the Night Sky with Your iPhone: Tips and Tricks
  • Free vs Paid Stargazing Apps: Making the Right Choice

As you journey through this guide, you’ll discover a medley of Night Sky Apps that can transform your iPhone into a window to the cosmos. Ready to begin your astronomical adventure?

In the upcoming section, we’ll delve into a comparative analysis of top Night Sky Apps for iPhone to help you find the perfect cosmic companion. So, What are the Best Stargazing Apps for IPhone? Let’s take a look at our top pick:

Image of SkySafari App banner. The text reads: SkySafari. There is an app rating of 4.4. And also 1M downloads.
SkySafari Stargazing App

1.) SkySafari

SkySafari is a comprehensive tool for both novice and experienced stargazers. It offers a rich, interactive experience that deepens your understanding of the cosmos.


  • Real-time sky mapping: Provides an up-to-date view of the night sky.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) capabilities: Allows you to overlay celestial objects on your real-world view.
  • Simulates celestial events: Offers a preview of upcoming celestial phenomena.
  • Detailed celestial information: Includes data on stars, planets, and constellations.
  • User-friendly interface: Designed for ease of use and quick navigation.


  • Comprehensive celestial database: Covers a wide range of celestial objects.
  • Highly interactive and engaging: Offers various interactive features.
  • Regular updates: Keeps the app current with new celestial events.


  • May be overwhelming for beginners: The extensive features can be complex.
  • Premium features require a subscription: Some functionalities are not free.
Image of banner for StarWalk 2 App for IPhone. Text in image reads “StarWalk 2”.
StarWalk 2 Skygazing App for IPhone

2.) Star Walk 2

Star Walk 2 enhances your stargazing experience with unique features like real-time sky mapping and a time-travel feature.


  • Real-time sky mapping: Offers a live view of the celestial sphere.
  • Time-travel feature: Allows you to view the sky from past or future dates.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) capabilities: Superimposes celestial objects on your camera view.
  • Detailed celestial information: Provides in-depth data on various celestial bodies.
  • User-friendly interface: Simplifies navigation and usage.


  • Highly interactive and educational: Makes learning about the sky fun.
  • Unique time-travel feature: Allows for historical and future sky viewing.
  • Regular updates: Keeps the app up-to-date with new features and celestial events.


  • Some features locked behind a paywall: Not all functionalities are accessible for free.
  • May consume a lot of battery: The app’s advanced features can be power-intensive.

Great! Let’s continue with the remaining apps in the same format.

Image of the Night Sky banner that shows after you download the App from the App Store. Text reads “ Night Sky Guide to the Sky Above”. On the right side of the image there is a button that says “OPEN” meaning to open or launch the stargazing App.
Night Sky Stargazing App

3.) Night Sky

Night Sky is designed exclusively for Apple devices and offers a tailored stargazing experience with an extensive database and customizable features.


  • Designed for Apple devices: Optimized for iOS for a seamless experience.
  • Real-time sky mapping: Provides a current view of the night sky.
  • Personalized Sky Tags: Allows you to customize your stargazing experience.
  • Over 1.7 billion stars in the database: Offers an extensive celestial catalog.
  • User-friendly interface: Makes navigation and exploration easy.


  • Highly customizable: Allows for a personalized stargazing experience.
  • Extensive celestial database: Covers a wide range of stars and other celestial objects.
  • Regular updates: Keeps the app current with new celestial phenomena.


  • Limited to Apple devices: Not available for Android users.
  • Some features require a subscription: Premium features are not free.
Image of the text banner that appears when you launch “Sky View Lite”. Text in image reads “SkyView Explore the Universe”. There is a dark colorful starry night sky background.
SkyView Lite Stargazing App

4.) SkyView Lite

SkyView is perfect for spontaneous stargazing sessions, offering real-time object identification and AR capabilities even when you’re offline.


  • Real-time object identification: Instantly identifies stars, planets, and constellations.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) capabilities: Overlays celestial objects on your real-world view.
  • User-friendly interface: Designed for ease of use.
  • Detailed celestial information: Provides comprehensive data on celestial objects.
  • No internet connection required: Works offline for spontaneous stargazing.


  • Easy to use: Ideal for beginners and casual stargazers.
  • Works offline: No need for an internet connection.
  • Regular updates: Keeps the app up-to-date with new celestial events.


  • Limited celestial database: Not as extensive as other apps.
  • Some features require in-app purchases: Additional functionalities are not free.
Image of banner for the Stellarium app. Text in image reads “STELLARIUM MOBILE”.

5. Stellarium

Stellarium Mobile offers a minimalist yet comprehensive approach to stargazing, focusing on deep space objects and educational content.


  • Minimalist interface: Designed for focused exploration.
  • Deep space access: Allows for exploration beyond our solar system.
  • Detailed celestial information: Provides in-depth data on a variety of celestial objects.
  • History, mythology, and science: Includes educational content related to celestial objects.
  • User-friendly interface: Simplifies navigation and usage.


  • Comprehensive celestial database: Offers an extensive range of celestial objects.
  • Educational and informative: Provides a learning experience along with stargazing.
  • Regular updates: Keeps the app current with new celestial phenomena.


  • May be overwhelming for beginners: The extensive features can be complex.
  • Some features require a subscription: Not all functionalities are free.

Key Features to Look for in Stargazing Apps

When embarking on a cosmic exploration from your iPhone, having the right features in your Astronomy and Stargazing Apps can significantly enhance your personal experience. Let’s take a look at some of the key features to look for:

Sky Mapping Capabilities

  • The best comprehensive Sky Map Apps provide real-time tracking of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies.
  • Look for apps with interactive star charts that respond to the movement of your device.

Augmented Reality Apps

  • Augmented Reality Stargazing allows you to point your device to the sky and identify celestial objects in real-time.
  • It’s a fun and educational feature that provides a more engaging way to learn about the cosmos.

Offline Stargazing Capabilities

  • Offline Star Map feature is crucial for those who enjoy stargazing in remote areas where internet access may be limited.

Educational Astronomy Based Content

  • Quality Astronomy Apps provide detailed information about celestial bodies, constellations, and upcoming astronomical events.
  • It’s great to have an app that educates while you explore, providing context to what you’re observing.

Planetary Viewing and Satellite Tracking

  • Planetary Viewing capabilities allow you to explore the planets and their moons.
  • Satellite Tracker feature lets you track the International Space Station and other satellites in real-time.

User-Friendly Stargazing Interface

  • A user-friendly interface is crucial for ensuring a good user experience, especially for those new to stargazing.

App Community Features

  • Some apps have built-in communities where you can share your discoveries, learn from others, and even engage in challenges.

Choosing an app with the right combination of features will ensure you have a tool that is both educational and enjoyable.

Whether you’re keen on identifying constellations, tracking satellites, or simply learning more about the cosmos, there’s an app tailored to meet your stargazing needs.

Exploring the Night Sky with Your iPhone: Tips and Tricks

Going on a stargazing adventure with your iPhone is like having a tiny space explorer right in your pocket! Here are some tips and tricks to make your starry nights even more fun:

  1. Pick the Right App:
    • Choose a stargazing app that’s easy for you to use, whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been gazing at stars for years.
    • Make sure the app is easy to use and helps you learn cool stuff about the sky.
  2. Use Augmented Reality (AR):
    • AR lets you see names and pictures of stars and constellations right on your screen when you point your iPhone at the sky.
    • It’s a super fun way to learn and find your way around the night sky.
  3. Try Sky Mapping:
    • Sky mapping in a stargazing app shows a picture of the sky on your screen, with stars, planets, and other celestial bodies marked and named. It’s like having a personal map of the sky that tells you what you are looking at! This feature is great for learning the names and locations of stars and planets, and seeing where they are in relation to each other. Just open the sky map on your app, and it’s like having a guide to the night sky right in your hands!

Free vs Paid Stargazing Apps: Making the Right Choice

Should you get a free or paid stargazing app? It depends on what you want and what you can spend. Here’s how to decide:

  1. Check the Features:
    • Paid apps usually have more cool features and give you more info about stars and planets.
  2. No Ads:
    • If ads bug you, a paid app might be better because it usually doesn’t have ads.
  3. Help and Updates:
    • Paid apps often have better help if you run into problems and they get updated more to keep them working well.

How to Maximize Your Stargazing Experience with iPhone Apps

Stargazing is more than just looking up; it’s about immersing yourself in the cosmic dance of celestial bodies. To get the most out of your stargazing experience, especially when using your iPhone, consider these tips:

1.) Choose the Right Location

Dark Skies Matter: Light pollution can drastically reduce what you can see. Opt for a location far from city lights for the best stargazing experience.

2.) Use Additional Equipment for Stargazing

Telescopes and Binoculars: While your iPhone stargazing app can offer a lot, a good telescope or pair of binoculars can take your experience to the next level.

3.) Check the Night Sky Weather

Clear Skies Ahead: Cloudy or stormy weather can be a stargazing buzzkill. Always check the weather forecast before you head out.

4.) Join a Stargazing Community

Learn and Share: Being part of a stargazing community can offer valuable tips and a sense of camaraderie. It’s a great way to enhance your celestial exploration.

5.) Document Your Stargazing Experience

Take Notes or Photos: Use your iPhone to capture the moment, either through photos or by jotting down what you observe. It makes your stargazing more memorable and educational.

By incorporating these tips and choosing the right stargazing app for your iPhone, you’re well on your way to becoming a seasoned stargazer.

Image of a room symbolic of an IPhone with an open ceiling for sky gazing.
Best Stargazing Apps for IPhone in 2023

Best iPhone Stargazing Apps: Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a free iPhone app for stargazing?

Yes, there are several free apps for stargazing available on the App Store. Some of these include SkyView Lite, Star Walk 2, and Night Sky. These apps use your phone’s camera and GPS to identify stars, planets, and constellations in real time.

Is SkyView app free?

Yes, SkyView Lite is a free version of the SkyView app. It offers a variety of features for stargazing and identifying celestial bodies.

Does Apple have a star gazing app?

While Apple doesn’t have a proprietary stargazing app, the App Store offers a variety of third-party astronomy apps like SkyView Lite, Star Walk 2, and Night Sky.

How can I see the stars app for free?

You can see the stars for free on your iPhone by downloading apps like SkyView Lite, Star Walk 2, or Night Sky from the App Store.

Is the Orion app free?

There isn’t a specific app called Orion for stargazing on the iPhone, however, there are other apps like SkyView Lite and Star Walk 2 that serve a similar purpose for free.

How can I see the stars at night on my iPhone?

To see the stars at night on your iPhone, download a stargazing app like SkyView Lite, Star Walk 2, or Night Sky. These apps will allow you to identify stars, planets, and constellations in real time.

What is the hidden astronomy app on iPhone?

There isn’t a hidden astronomy app on the iPhone, but there are many astronomy apps available on the App Store like SkyView Lite, Star Walk 2, and Night Sky for stargazing and learning about the cosmos.

Can I use my phone to look at stars?

Absolutely! Apps like SkyView Lite, Star Walk 2, and Night Sky transform your iPhone into a portable star gazer, allowing you to identify celestial bodies by simply pointing your phone at the sky.

How much does Star Walk app cost?

Star Walk 2 is free to download but offers in-app purchases for additional features and ad removal.

Can you see the planets with phone camera?

With stargazing apps like SkyView Lite or Star Walk 2, you can use your phone’s camera to identify planets in the night sky. However, the phone’s camera alone won’t show detailed images of planets.

Is SkyView Lite safe?

Yes, SkyView Lite is a safe app to use for stargazing and has positive reviews on the App Store.

How do I turn on astronomy on my iPhone?

There isn’t a built-in astronomy feature on the iPhone, but you can download astronomy apps like SkyView Lite, Star Walk 2, or Night Sky from the App Store for stargazing and celestial exploration.

How do I get the star focus on my iPhone?

To focus on stars with your iPhone, it’s advisable to use a stargazing app like SkyView Lite or Star Walk 2. They will help you identify and focus on stars, planets, and constellations.

What is the app that puts stars on the ceiling?

The SkyView Lite and Star Walk 2 apps can project stars on your ceiling by using augmented reality (AR) features. They utilize your phone’s camera to display stars, planets, and constellations on your ceiling or walls.

How does Sky Walk app work?

Sky Walk app works by utilizing your phone’s GPS, accelerometer, and magnetometer to identify celestial bodies in real time as you point your phone towards the sky. It displays stars, planets, and constellations on your screen, providing information and facts about them.

Does Apple have a sky map?

Apple does not have its own sky map; however, there are many third-party sky map apps available on the App Store like SkyView Lite, Star Walk 2, and Night Sky.

Can you get Orion on iPhone?

There isn’t a specific app called Orion for iPhone, but you can view the constellation Orion using apps like SkyView Lite or Star Walk 2.

Should I use Orion?

Since there isn’t a specific app called Orion, it’s advisable to use well-reviewed apps like SkyView Lite or Star Walk 2 for stargazing and learning about constellations including Orion.

What apps are like Orion?

Apps like SkyView Lite, Star Walk 2, and Night Sky offer similar stargazing and celestial exploration features as what you might expect from an app named Orion.

Is Star Walk free?

Star Walk 2 is free to download with in-app purchases for additional features and ad removal.

How much is SkyView?

SkyView has a free version called SkyView Lite. They also offer a paid version, SkyView, which costs around $1.99 and offers additional features.

Is Star Walk 2 a good app?

Yes, Star Walk 2 is a highly-rated app with positive reviews for its user-friendly interface and extensive celestial database.

What are some 5 star apps?

Star Walk 2, SkyView, and Night Sky are some of the highly-rated stargazing apps on the App Store with near 5-star ratings.

How to play free Orion?

There isn’t a specific app or game called Free Orion for iPhone. However, if you’re referring to a different platform, Free Orion is a free, open-source, 4X strategy game that can be downloaded from its official website.

Does Orion still exist?

If you’re referring to the constellation, yes, Orion is a well-known constellation visible in many parts of the world. If you’re referring to a specific app or game, there may not be a current app by that name on the iPhone.

What app adds fake sky?

Apps like PhotoPills and Sky Guide can add a fake sky or overlay celestial maps on your photos.

What is the difference between SkyView app and SkyView Lite?

SkyView Lite is a free version of the SkyView app with fewer features. SkyView, the paid version, offers more extensive features and a larger celestial database.

Is Google Sky accurate?

Google Sky Map is quite accurate for casual stargazing and learning, but professional astronomers might use more advanced software.

How much does SkyView Lite cost?

SkyView Lite is free to download and use, with in-app purchases for additional features.

Is SkyView Lite real time?

Yes, SkyView Lite provides real-time tracking of celestial bodies as you move your phone across the sky.

Summary: The Best StarGazing Apps for IPhone

In this guide, we have delved into the realm of stargazing, spotlighting how modern smartphone technology, especially on iPhones, has transformed this age-old hobby. Here’s a recap of what we explored:

  • Introduction to Stargazing Apps: Highlighted the significance of stargazing apps for iPhone users, from casual sky gazers to avid amateur astronomers.
  • Top 5 Stargazing Apps for iPhone
    • SkySafari: Ideal for all stargazers, featuring real-time sky mapping and AR capabilities.
    • Star Walk 2: Great for interactive sky tracking and its unique time-travel feature.
    • Night Sky: Best for iPhone users wanting a personalized experience and extensive celestial database.
    • SkyView: Perfect for spontaneous stargazers with real-time identification and offline use.
    • Stellarium Mobile: Suited for those wanting a minimalist, educational approach with a focus on deep space.
  • Key Features to Consider in Astronomy Apps:
    • Sky Mapping Capabilities: Real-time tracking of celestial bodies.
    • Augmented Reality: Engaging and educational real-time identification of celestial objects.
    • Offline Stargazing: For remote areas with limited internet access.
    • Educational Content: Detailed information on celestial bodies and events.
    • Planetary Viewing and Satellite Tracking: Explore planets and track satellites in real-time.
    • User-Friendly Interface: Crucial for good user experience.
    • App Community Features: Share discoveries and learn from others.
  • Comparison and Analysis: We conducted a comparative analysis to help readers find the perfect cosmic companion among the top stargazing apps.
  • Choosing Between Free vs Paid Apps: We discussed how to make the right choice between free and paid stargazing apps to suit your needs.
  • Tips and Tricks for Exploring the Night Sky with Your iPhone: Provided actionable tips to enrich celestial exploration.

Your journey through this guide should equip you with the necessary knowledge to choose the right stargazing app and virtually transform your iPhone into a window to the cosmos!